ACTIVITIES the Club des Dirigeants

The Club des Dirigeants operates in the following areas:
Made in Morocco :
We support and promote « Made in Morocco » initiatives and businesses. We encourage the development and promotion of local products and services, thereby contributing to the country’s economic growth.
Regional, national and international presence: We have an extensive presence across Morocco, with representatives in all twelve regions of the country. We organize events and activities in different cities to facilitate the participation of our members throughout the territory.
Representation of all business sectors: Our community brings together managers and professionals from a wide range of business sectors. We promote sectoral diversity to enable enriching inter-professional exchanges and collaborations. Whatever your field of activity, we offer a space for networking and sharing expertise.
We are proud of our commitment to supporting the local economy and fostering connections between leaders on a regional, national and international scale. Our extensive presence enables us to offer business opportunities and partnerships in a variety of sectors, while contributing to global economic development.
The Club des Dirigeants strives to create a dynamic ecosystem where Moroccan companies thrive and where managers can exchange, collaborate and develop in a regional, national and international context.
Club Des Dirigeants

Activities the Club des Dirigeants

Business Circles
Business Circles are weekly two-hour meetings where Club Des Dirigeants members from different business sectors get together to boost their business through business referrals. These circles provide a platform for the exchange of contacts, recommendations and synergies between members, helping them to develop their professional network and generate new business opportunities.

Monthly Networking evenings
Monthly networking evenings are key events for the Club Des Dirigeants. Each month, a specific theme, in line with the concerns of our members, is addressed during these evenings. They offer a unique opportunity for business leaders to connect, exchange ideas, share experiences and develop their professional network. Networking evenings are a real catalyst for synergies and collaboration between members.

The Club Des Dirigeants regularly organizes themed conferences on topics of current interest to the executive community. These congresses offer the opportunity to delve deeper into specific themes, explore new trends and acquire in-depth knowledge in different fields. They are also a great opportunity to share expertise and network within the Club.

Special events
In addition to regular activities, the Club Des Dirigeants also organizes special events throughout the year. These can include lunches, dinners, business trips, informal get-togethers, special conferences or team-building activities. These special moments offer Club Des Dirigeants members unique opportunities to connect, entertain and strengthen their professional relationships in a friendly and inspiring setting.
These varied Club Des Dirigeants activities are designed to encourage the exchange of experience, knowledge sharing, professional networking and business development between executives. They help create a dynamic and stimulating environment where members can maximize their opportunities for growth and success.
Club Des Dirigeants